
by Hexapole Automatisering BV

Health & Fitness


Training is a balance between exercise and recuperation. Hard exercise as well as and other activities can lead to longer recuperation. The risk of doing too much or at the wrong time increases by a higher training frequency and/or straining work or study.A simple way of measuring and logging the effect of training is a wish many athletes and coaches have. All information in one place so all people involved in the preparation of an athlete or group of athletes can share the same information making coaching and training enormously more effective.MyPerfectCoach is an App for entering information about training and daily life so you can easily see the relationships between many different aspects of performance.By adding a comprehensive HRV measurement the subjective information is counterbalanced by a reliable objective metric.HRV (Heart Rate Variability) measures the difference between the time of subsequent heart beats (R-R times). It is well documented that a low HRV corresponds with a high stress reaction. On the other hand a very high HRV is an indication of overreaching (the reality is a bit more complicated). Especially trends over a longer period of time are a good indication of training effect.After a measurement the athlete and the connected coaches receive a report showing the results and conclusions for that day.